Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be the Council of Independent Yoga Professionals (CIYP).

Article II: Purpose

The purpose of the CIYP is to:

1. Advocate for the rights, interests, and professional development of independent yoga professionals.

2. Establish standards for ethical teaching, fair wages, and working conditions.

3. Provide education and resources to support the business and teaching growth of its members.

4. Foster community and cooperation among yoga professionals across various styles and traditions.

5. Promote the spiritual and physical benefits of yoga in a manner consistent with its historical and cultural roots.

Article III: Membership

1. Eligibility: Membership is open to all independent yoga professionals, including teachers, therapists, and studio owners, who agree to uphold the values and standards of the CIYP.

2. Types of Membership:

Individual Membership: Open to individual yoga professionals.

Studio Membership: Open to independent yoga studios and businesses employing independent yoga professionals.

Affiliate Membership: Open to businesses and organizations that support the mission of CIYP but are not directly involved in teaching yoga.

3. Dues: Membership dues shall be determined by the Council annually and must be paid in full to maintain active membership status.

4. Rights of Members:

• Voting rights in elections and on key decisions.

• Access to CIYP resources, education, and professional development opportunities.

• Eligibility for leadership roles within the Council.

Article IV: Code of Ethics

1. Members of CIYP shall adhere to a code of ethics that emphasizes:

• Respect for students’ physical, emotional, and spiritual boundaries.

• Commitment to continuous professional and personal development.

• Honesty in business practices, including transparent pricing and fair compensation.

• Dedication to fostering inclusive, safe, and respectful environments in all teaching spaces.

2. Members found to be in violation of the code of ethics may face disciplinary actions, including suspension or revocation of membership, as determined by the Ethics Committee.

Article V: Leadership

1. Council Composition:

• The Council shall consist of an Executive Board made up of elected officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

• Additional non-executive roles may include committee chairs and regional representatives.

2. Elections:

• Elections for Council positions shall be held every two years.

• Nominations shall be submitted by members, and all active members are eligible to vote.

• Terms of office are two years, with the option for re-election.

3. Duties of Officers:

President: Presides over meetings, sets agendas, and represents the CIYP in external affairs.

Vice President: Assists the President and steps into the President’s role when needed.

Secretary: Maintains meeting minutes, records, and member communications.

Treasurer: Oversees financial matters, including dues collection, budgeting, and reporting.

4. Committees: Standing committees shall be formed as needed, including but not limited to:

Ethics Committee: Responsible for upholding the Code of Ethics.

Advocacy Committee: Works on issues related to fair wages, benefits, and legal rights.

Education Committee: Develops resources for professional development.

Article VI: Meetings

1. General Meetings: A general membership meeting shall be held at least once per year. The date, time, and location shall be determined by the Executive Board and communicated to members at least 30 days in advance.

2. Special Meetings: Special meetings may be called by the President or by a majority vote of the Council.

3. Quorum: A quorum for voting at meetings shall consist of one-third of the active membership.

Article VII: Finances

1. Fiscal Year: The fiscal year of the CIYP shall be from January 1 to December 31.

2. Budget: The Treasurer shall present an annual budget for approval by the Council.

3. Expenditures: All expenses must be approved by the Treasurer, with any expenditure over a certain threshold (as set by the Council) requiring additional approval by the President or Vice President.

Article VIII: Amendments

1. Proposal of Amendments: Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed by any active member of the CIYP and must be submitted in writing to the Secretary.

2. Adoption of Amendments: Proposed amendments shall be reviewed by the Council and voted on by the membership. A two-thirds majority vote is required for adoption.

Article IX: Dissolution

In the event of dissolution, any remaining assets of the CIYP, after the payment of all debts and liabilities, shall be distributed to a nonprofit organization aligned with the purpose and mission of the CIYP, as determined by the Council.

Article X: Non-Discrimination Policy

The CIYP does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, or socio-economic status in its membership, activities, or policies.

Article XI: Conflict of Interest

Members of the Council and its committees must disclose any potential conflicts of interest. They shall not vote on matters where a conflict exists, and any such conflict must be recorded in the meeting minutes.

These bylaws were adopted by the Council of Independe